Put yourself in your cat's shoes!
Imagine suddenly falling ill without understanding why. Every day feels harder and you can't even ask for help...
Right now, or maybe in a week, your beloved cat could be experiencing the same thing. No one deserves to experience such horror scenarios, especially our beloved cats.
What if we had a solution that could free you from worry while protecting your cat? We have the answer!

Ticks are having their day!
Ticks are back and it's our furry friends who are paying the price...
As owners, it's not always easy to notice when something is wrong with our cats. Often they don't show any obvious signs of discomfort, perhaps because they don't even know it.
With FLEO, you no longer have to worry about ticks, fleas and other unpleasant parasites.

100% Natural Protection - Free from Chemicals
It only takes one tick to make your cat really sick. To avoid this, FLEO was created, which actively keeps ticks and fleas away from your loyal friend.
FLEO consists of a blend of essential oils and natural ingredients that deter ticks and other annoying parasites from harming your fur. Natural ingredients such as lemon eucalyptus, cinnamon oil, linalool, lavender oil and eucalyptus are real tick repellents and keep them away from your cat.
When we developed FLEO, we chose these ingredients to avoid exposing cats to chemicals while being highly effective.

No Strong Chemical Scents
Many tick collars are drenched in chemical scents that can irritate and even cause allergic reactions in cats. With our carefully selected ingredients, this is a problem you never have to worry about!

Recommended by Veterinarians
This is one of the most gentle methods of keeping unwelcome guests away from your cat and is recommended by veterinarians. The substances released by our natural ingredients reduce the risk of your furry friend being bitten by ticks by up to 98%. These substances are completely safe for your cat.